Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Michigan Marijuana Growers License

Written by: Neil Vora
December 30, 2022

If you want to become a medical or adult-use marijuana grower in Michigan, there are several steps you must take to get your license. In this guide, we’ll explore the qualifications and regulations that you need to meet in order to obtain a license and start growing marijuana in the state of Michigan.

Research Michigan Cannabis Law

Before you apply for your Michigan Growers License, you need to familiarize yourself with the current cannabis rules and regulations as laid out by the state. From basic requirements like minimum space restrictions and allowable number of plants, to more in-depth topics such as labeling and packaging, it’s essential that you understand and abide by all legal requirements. Understanding Michigan marijuana law is key to ensuring your compliance and success as a grower.

Determine Eligibility and Necessary Requirements

The first step to receiving your Michigan marijuana grower’s license is determining your eligibility and necessary requirements. In order to qualify for a state growers license in Michigan, you must meet certain criteria such as having previous growing experience and passing a criminal background check. You’ll also need to be compliant with the minimum age regulations, possess the required real estate space, have all safety systems and equipment ready for inspection, and adhere to zoning laws specific to your local municipality. Once you’ve met these initial eligibility requirements, you’ll be able to proceed with the actual application process.

Gather and Submit All Required Documents

You’ll need to gather the required documents and submit them to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) in order to apply for a Michigan marijuana grower’s license. This includes providing your personal information, details of your business plan, current real estate agreement, copy of valid identification, proof of residence, and more. Once submitted you will also have to pay an application fee which may vary depending on specific submitted documents.

Applying With the Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA)

Once your application and supporting documents have been approved by LARA, you must then submit a separate application with the Cannabis Regulatory Agency. This application requires additional documentation such as plans for the construction and operations of the facility, maintenance, security specifications, and safety processes in accordance with state law. The CRA will review this application along with any additional materials such as proposed site plan or other required materials before issuing a valid Michigan marijuana growers license.

Completing and Submitting Inspection Request Form to CRA

Once you have obtained all the necessary permits and approvals and your facility is fully prepared to operate, you must submit a request for an CRA inspection. This request must be submitted electronically on the CRA’s website and requires additional documentation including the proposed site plan, any applicable drawings or schematics, compliance affidavits, and letters of approval from any local ordinances. A representative from the CRA will review all materials before authorizing an inspection.

Get Help Obtaining a Michigan Marijuana Growers License

This process can be overwhelming to many individuals and small businesses.  Having an attorney, specializing in the ever-changing Michigan marijuana laws, is the best step one can take to ensure proper compliance and execution throughout the licensing process.  Cannabis Licensing Law is here for you.  Contact us today and schedule a consultation.

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