City of Birmingham Voters to Decide on Legalization of Marijuana Dispensaries in November

Written by: Neil Vora
August 10, 2023

The Birmingham City Commission voted unanimously to put a ballot ordinance amendment on the November ballot that would change the city’s prohibition against marijuana sales. If approved by voters, the amendment would amend the current ordinance to permit one medical marijuana facility and one recreational marijuana establishment in specifically zoned areas of the city. City Attorney Jeff Kucharek explained that the amendment is necessary because anyone can start a petition to allow marijuana establishments in the community, and the city would lose all autonomy and control if this happens. An outside agency could come in with paid signers, and a citizen could also do an initiatory petition to ban marijuana from the city. The amendment would give the city more control over where and how marijuana establishments operate. If you are looking for an attorney to represent you in Birmingham or anywhere else in michigan please text us to ask us questions at (805) 429-4073

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