Legal Insights: Overcome Federal Barriers in the Michigan Cannabis Market

Federal Barriers in the Michigan Cannabis Market
Written by: Jim Tam
March 15, 2024

The intersection of federal laws and the Michigan cannabis market creates a complex legal landscape that profoundly impacts the operational, financial, and strategic decisions of these entities. Despite the legalization of cannabis for medical and recreational use in Michigan, federal prohibition under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) presents significant challenges. This essay explores the impact of federal laws on Michigan’s cannabis businesses and illustrates how attorneys play a crucial role in navigating these challenges, ensuring compliance, and advocating for legal reform.


The Federal-State Legal Dichotomy


The core of the legal challenges faced by cannabis businesses in Michigan lies in the dichotomy between state legalization and federal barriers from prohibition. Under the CSA, cannabis remains classified as a Schedule I drug, indicating a perceived high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use, which starkly contrasts with Michigan’s legal stance and the growing body of research supporting cannabis’s medical benefits. This federal classification restricts cannabis businesses’ access to banking services, subjects them to punitive tax treatment under IRC Section 280E, and creates barriers to interstate commerce, among other issues.


Banking and Financial Services in the Michigan Cannabis Market


One of the most pressing issues arising from the clash between federal and state law is the limited access to banking and financial services for cannabis businesses. Many banks, governed by federal regulations and oversight, are hesitant to offer services to cannabis-related businesses for fear of federal reprisal. This forces many businesses to operate on a cash basis, increasing the risk of theft and complicating financial management and tax compliance. 


Cannabis attorneys help navigate these financial challenges by advising on compliance with the FinCEN guidelines for offering financial services to the cannabis industry and exploring alternative financial solutions, such as state-chartered banks and credit unions, that are increasingly open to serving cannabis businesses.




Another significant impact of federal laws on Michigan’s cannabis businesses is the tax burden imposed by IRC Section 280E. Under this provision, businesses engaged in the trafficking of Schedule I or II substances are prohibited from deducting ordinary business expenses, aside from the cost of goods sold. This results in an effective tax rate much higher than that of other businesses, severely impacting profitability.


Attorneys specializing in cannabis law provide invaluable guidance on tax planning strategies to minimize the impact of Section 280E, such as structuring businesses to separate taxable cannabis sales from other non-restricted revenue streams.


Interstate Commerce and Intellectual Property


The federal prohibition on cannabis also restricts Michigan businesses from engaging in interstate commerce, limiting market expansion and economies of scale. Furthermore, federal intellectual property protections are largely inaccessible for cannabis trademarks and patents, complicating brand protection and innovation.


Cannabis attorneys assist businesses in navigating these challenges through state-level trademark registrations, advising on brand protection strategies, and exploring patent protection for cannabis-related innovations under state laws and in countries where cannabis is legal.


Legal Advocacy and Reform


Beyond navigating current legal challenges, cannabis attorneys play a crucial role in advocacy and reform efforts. They represent cannabis businesses, industry associations, and advocacy groups in legal challenges to federal policies, lobby for legislative changes, and contribute to public discourse on cannabis law reform.


Attorneys help shape the future legal landscape for cannabis by pushing for policies that align federal laws with state legalization efforts, advocating for banking reform, tax fairness, and the descheduling of cannabis under the CSA.


Final Thoughts


The impact of federal laws on the Michigan cannabis market underscores the critical need for skilled legal counsel to navigate the complexities of operating under conflicting legal frameworks. Attorneys specializing in cannabis law not only provide guidance on compliance, financial management, and intellectual property protection but also play a pivotal role in advocacy efforts to reconcile state and federal laws. As the legal landscape continues to evolve, the expertise and advocacy of cannabis attorneys will remain indispensable to Michigan’s cannabis industry’s growth and success.


Cannabis Licensing Law


At Cannabis Licensing Law, we’re dedicated to guiding you expertly through the intricacies of obtaining your cannabis license. Our experienced team is well-versed in the unique aspects of the cannabis sector, offering personalized strategies to align with your business objectives. 


Begin your journey toward legal operation within the cannabis market today. Reach out to discover more about our offerings and how we can support you in acquiring the essential licenses to flourish in this dynamic and growing industry.

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